5 Ways To Build Your Confidence as a Writer


Everyone's journey towards developing their confidence as a writer is unique. Here are the five most game-changing realizations from my own personal journey as a writer that have enabled me with the confidence necessary to pursue my literary aspirations:

1. Surround yourself with supportive people.

 While the act of writing itself is a very solitary one, ironically surrounding yourself with supportive people is essential for literary success. Like any other goal that you commit to, it can be daunting at times, full of setbacks and disappointments that may even on occasion feel devastatingly heart breaking. For moments such as this, you need to surround yourself with people who are supportive of your ambitions and goals as a writer. Such literary allies can be found in friends and family and community members and most especially other writers.

 You can also find supportive  friends in writing workshops such as InkWell, which I feel blessed to be a part of.

2. Embrace constructive feedback. 

 Don't be afraid of it. In fact, the magical word here is “constructive,” meaning that it is given as advice from an objective point of view, balancing both the positive with the negative. Constructive feedback will help you to pinpoint and strengthen your weak points while also making you feel more assertive and proud of your strengths as a writer. Places where you can find constructive feedback is through friends, family and by joining literary workshops .

3Be yourself. 

 This is not only great practice in every aspect of your life for your mental health, but it also great for developing your confidence as a writer. By being yourself, your own unique creative style will come shining through in your writing. Why stress yourself out imitating something that you're not, when you can relax and enjoy the writing process by being something truly awesome and amazing - yourself!

4.  Just Do it!

 Sometimes you just have to close  your eyes and ears to the inner critic filling you with insecurities and doubts and take that leap of faith and just do it. Let the chips fall where they may. Just roll the dice and see where they land. If your writing session goes down the rabbit hole, well then, tomorrow is another day. On the other hand, if you manage to produce something that you feel proud of, congratulate yourself. Taking action is often one of the best stimulators for confidence.

5.  Celebrate your accomplishments.

 Whether you've managed to successfully maintain your resolution to a daily ten-minute free write routine or just been published, each and every goal you achieve, no matter how small or great, enables you with the confidence to take bigger risks with your writing whether it be with experimenting with your style or genre or daring to dream bigger and thereby challenge yourself to take your successes to the next level of personal or commercial success. Think of every time you reward yourself for your success as a graduation ceremony for that accomplishment. Your graduation ceremony can be something as simple and as comforting as a steaming hot cup of your favourite tea or as adventurous as an exciting night out on the town with friends. Just like any other graduation ceremony you have ever attended, think of it as an opportunity to reflect on how far you have come in your writing and how you will begin the next chapter of your journey.

 Pamela Chynn