Writing The Wave

Image via alamy.com

Image via alamy.com

To be honest, I’ve never had writer’s block because my writing is therapeutic for me. I love to read what I write. I am also very critical of it too, but I write first and then judge after. This helps to get all my ideas out first and then decide what is best and in what order.

I know some people don’t like reading what they write, but to them I say appreciate all that comes from you. If you have a hard time reading your own work you will also have a hard time writing too.  You have to trust in your writing like any other relationship. And remember, being different is actually an advantage in this field!

The way I write is with the climax of the story first.  Then I develop characters and start a beginning.  After the climax I let my characters take me to an ending that they see fit. For me writing is a journey I take with the characters that I adopt.  My creativity depends on the characters I develop.  Learn to dive in and see where the story takes you. Consider the characters, the events, and the setting of it all.

My final advice would be not to just talk about writing. While the idea is still fresh, try to reap the most out of it by putting the pen to the paper. Nowadays, I go straight on my computer, which saves more trees too.

Get to know your characters and a page of their background. Figure out a setting and the era it is based in.  You don’t have to have it all figured out before you write.  Not knowing what comes next can make the writing process even more interesting. Writing the wave will take you on a day by day journey until your story is done. Writing is a process that needs time and patience. One day you will think one way, and the next day, another.  But remember, that this is your masterpiece. Trust in yourself and the writing will come!

Sirene Qureshi